Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sex Pistols star Johnny Rotten warning about Jimmy Savile was cut by BBC

According to a rare audio clip just released (see video below), John Lydon, aka Johnny Rotten, then of Sex Pistols and PIL fame, conducted an interview circa late 1978, where he joked about people he’d like to kill’ and interestingly he quipped, “I’d like to kill Jimmy Savile”

He went on to comment about the late DJ and serial sex criminal’s ’seediness’, and also that he (Savile) ‘was into all sorts’.
The admission took place during what appears to be an actual BBC radio interview, but Lydon’s damning inferences about the BBC’s golden child Jimmy Savile seem to have been removed from the interview at the time, so the excerpt was not broadcast, but has just been made available as part of the reissue of the first PIL album.

Long before Lydon’s comments were made, the BBC were officially warned in 1972 that they were in fact putting young girls at risk with their Top of the Pops Show, which was detailed in theTelegraph recently:

1-Jimmy-Savile-victim“The emergence of the 64-page report – which was circulated to the then director general and chairman – will further fuel allegations that the BBC failed to protect teenage girls from Jimmy Savile, the corporation’s then most feted star who was unmasked last year as Britain’s most prolific sex offender.”
It seems that everyone knew about at least some of the sordid practices of the late Sir Jimmy Savile OBE, but few dared speak it in public. Of course, this cover-up within the entertainment and media industry was led by the BBC itself, as it would be incredibly naive to think that no one working in the BBC knew of Savile’s propensity for sexual deviances (rape, pedophilia and other disturbing pastimes too dark to mention here). By all accounts, it was an open secret within “The Industry”.

Listen to the excerpt of Lydon – then known as Johnny Rotten, as he issues a subtle warning about the true nature of the BBC’s monster-in-residence…


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