The ReThink911 campaign is pleased to announce that this September’s global ad campaign will be spearheaded by a 50-foot billboard in the heart of Times Square. Towering over the surrounding blocks, this billboard will attract the attention of nearly one million pedestrians each day and set the stage for New York and the whole world to learn that a large 47-story skyscraper also fell on 9/11.
ReThink911 has put down half the money needed to purchase this billboard for the full month of September. Now we are counting on you to bring us the rest of the way. Donate now,
Or, if you wish to donate to one of the other cities where ReThink911 is placing ads, find your preferred city and donate generously. Together we can make ReThink911 go viral this September.
And please keep in mind that the ad buys are just part of the strategy. We have many plans for global grassroots actions, and will be moving those forward and engaging all we can, very soon; and already are starting... Delivery of evidence to various officials and the media, editorializing, the fundamental person-to-person sharing of the evidence, and much more. Everywhere, and every person, is part of the push!
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