Friday, November 22, 2013

Oprah Winfrey: Obama Critics Need to Die

Oprah Winfrey, the only black billionaire in North America, and the woman named the richest black person of the 20th century, said during an interview with the BBC on Friday that racism is still a big problem, and the only way to end it is for all racists to die.
During the interview promoting the opening of her new movie, "The Butler," Oprah said some things that really show people her true character.
For a large part of the interview she actually sounds logical, and reasonable. She even admits that we've come a long way on the race issue, though to me it seems to have started reverting the last few years.
WILL GOMPERTZ, BBC: "The issue of the civil rights movement, and the way that black people around the world are treated, particularly I suppose in, around the world…"
OPRAH WINFREY: "Around the world."
GOMPERTZ: "Around the world. Look at place like Russia, it's, you know…"
WINFREY: "Around the world."
GOMPERTZ: "So is this, is this, I suppose from a movie point of view, what the movie and the messages hold and the other movies we were discussing, and "Scottsboro Boys," are these historical comments or are we still looking at a contemporary issue?"
WINFREY: "Good question. Well phrased. Good job. It would be foolish to not recognize that we have evolved in that we're not still facing the same kind of terrorism against black people en masse as was displayed with the Scottsboro boys. It's gotten better. Are there still places where people are terrorized because of the color of their skin, because of the color of their black skin? Yes. But there are laws that have allowed us to progress beyond what we saw in the Scottsboro boys and beyond the even the prejudice we see in "The Butler."Oprah Winfrey
Other than sounding a tad bit condescending towards Gompertz, when she compliments his question, did you notice anything odd about her answer? How about this line, "Are there still places where people are terrorized because of the color of their skin, because of the color of their black skin?" You'll notice that she corrects herself from making the broader statement about people being terrorized because of their pigmentation, and she makes it clear that the only thing she is concerned with is black pigmentation.
She goes out of her way to let the listeners know that she only cares about black people not being treated unfairly. As long as no other group is treated better than black people she is happy. If black people are treated better than another race, then who cares, right? Not Oprah.
Could it be that she is trying to say that ONLY black people are "terrorized" because of their skin color? If so then she is way off base. You might remember the string of intentional murders that happened this year that had only motive, the victim had white skin. I don't think it is a stretch to call being hunted down because you are white, terrorism. But it's not only crackers that Oprah doesn't care about, she also doesn't give a dime about Latinos, Asians, Middle Easterners, or even Eskimos.
That isn't even the worst part of her race baiting interview.
"There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism. And they just have to die." (The emphasis is all hers)
If you watch in the video you'll see the way she changes her voice and emphasizes, "And they just have to die." When I first read about this I thought that surely it was out of context and couldn't be as bad as it sounded out of context, I was wrong. I embedded the full video so that you can hear for yourself that it sounds even worse with context.
What makes that statement worse than her tone of voice and the sheer bluntness of it, she goes on to describe who she thinks is racist. I'll give you one guess…. Anyone who criticizes the President of the United States of America. Yep, if you disagree with "Our Lord and Savior" Barack Hussein Obama, you, my friend, are a racist, and by Oprah's logic, you must die.
GOMPERTZ: "Do you think, has it ever crossed your mind that some of the treatment of Obama and the challenges he's faced and some of the reporting he's received is because he's an African-American, and if he wasn't an African-American, if he was a white guy, those wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have been treated in quite the same way, he wouldn't have to deal with quite the same confrontations?"
Oh boy, did he set that question up nicely. The only way being white would change the way he is "treated" is that he probably wouldn't be president right now, he surly wouldn't have won the second term with his destructive policies. I'm sure you can guess for yourself, but just for fun lets see what the racebaiter has to say.
WINFREY: "Has it ever crossed my mind? It's crossed my mind probably as many times as it's crossed your mind. Probably it's crossed my mind more times than it's crossed your mind. Just the level of disrespect. When the Senator yelled out, "You're a liar." Remember that? Yeah, I think that there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he's African-American."
How is it racist to call someone a liar that just last week finally admitted and delivered a halfhearted apology for lying about Obamacare? Even Oprah herself treated him differently based on his blackness, she claims that she personally brought him an extra million votes, would she have done that for an unknown white guy from Chicago?
As long as liars and profiteers like Oprah are the leaders of the black community none of the race problems will be solved. These people never offer up real solutions to the problem, instead they exaggerate the issue, fan the flames, then stand back and watch instead of causing real change.
Her only answer is, "they need to die?" Really? I have a solution for you. These so-called "leaders" of the black community should stop focusing only on affronts against one small group of people, and instead stand for the Liberty of all Americans, they could set a shining example and create a positive, cohesive atmosphere in this country. That will most assuredly never happen as long as they can continue to prosper from the strife and hate. You'll never see the man who builds bombs protesting a war, and you'll never see a racebaiting profiteer solving racism.

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