Friday, June 28, 2013

Army colonel says Brazil is three steps away from CIVIL WAR

The order through chaos being established in Brazil ...

The directions that follow indicate the likelihood of internecine warfare.

It remains approved in Congress and unite the various Indian reservations in a giant, and declare their independence. This we can not tolerate. Or corrects the situation now or get ready for war.

Almost as problematic as the indigenous question is maroon. May wish to start a communist revolution with a race war.

The MST moves like an army of occupation. The invasions of MST are tolerated, and the law does not apply. Farmers, despairing of getting justice will eventually react. Maybe this is the MST wants: social upheaval. This conflict seems inevitable.

Environmentalism, Indianism, maroon movement, the MST, MAB and other similar created such antagonism to the national society, it will take a lot of skill and endurance to prevent degenerate into bloody conflicts.

For the first time in a long time, there has been some discussion about national security. This is good, but not correctly identify the threats, there is no way to prepare ourselves to meet them.

The economic crisis and shortage of natural resources may lead the great powers to take them by military, but still more probable and can be even more dangerous threat of internal upheaval caused by three basic components:

- The division of the Brazilian people in hostile ethnic groups;
- Potential conflicts between farmers and social movements said;
- And irreconcilable disagreements between environmentalists and developers.

At times gets to be clear the demolition of the political, social, psychological and religious, of our Motherland, built off five centuries of Christian civilization. Then, without fuss, continuing a consolidation phase before new onslaught.

This may still change, but unfortunately the directions that follow indicate the likelihood of internecine warfare. In there, our disunity in fall down helpless, powerless to oppose effectively the foreign pretensions.

The threat of ethnic conflict, the most dangerous separatist by character

The multiplication of indigenous reserves, just about the biggest mineral deposits, using the pretext of retaining a Neolithic culture (which is not there any more), but it aims to create "a great nation" indigenous. Now watch on still-smoldering embers of the Fox saw the sun, the announcement of the creation of the reserve Anaro, which will bring the Fox / Mark the Yanomami. Subsequently the Marabitanas join the Yanomami to Balaio / Dog's Head, encompassing the entire northern border of Western Amazonia and its very rich saws pregnant most precious deposits.

The problem is deeper than it seems, is not only the foreign ambition. It is also an ongoing project size continental utopia dreamed by neomissionária tribalist. The demolition work of the existing nation-state aims to build in its place, the Nuestra America or Abya Yala, probably designed by large financiers based in London who is not shy of using either the religious sentiments of both the headquarters social justice masses to conserve and expand their domains. The CIMI, a body subordinate to CNBB not care evangelization of indigenous peoples in the spirit of Nobrega and Anchieta other builders of our nation. As adherents of liberation theology, are in line with their colleagues who work on the continent, all engaged in revolutionary ferment project comuno missionary Abya Yala.

The process is not restricted to our country, but beyond the actions of CIMI, a foreign operation is clear:

- Identification of the deposits: already done;
- Attraction of forestry and the creation of reserves on deposits: already done;
- Get the demarcation and: now mostly done;
- Put in our Constitution that international treaties and conventions signed and ratified by Congress would have constitutional force, therefore above the laws common: already done;
- Signature by the Foreign Ministry convention that virtually gives autonomy to indigenous communities have done.

It remains approved in Congress and unite the various reserves in a gigantic and declare independence, and that we can not tolerate. Or corrects the situation now or get ready for war.

The danger is not the only, but it is very real. Can, by itself, create opportunity to trigger military intervention by the powers deprived of natural resources - oil and minerals, when reacting Brazil.

Almost as problematic as the indigenous question is maroon

The UNB was hired by the government to make the map of maroons. Miraculously, everywhere, appeared "Maroons". In Espírito Santo entire cities, threatened with eviction. Likewise in Pernambuco. The border became a Para Quilombo whole.
What is the process? Appeared a bearded depiercings nose, asking african descent: "Do you live here?" "Moro." "Since 1988?" (The maroon who resided on the day of the promulgation of the Constitution would be entitled to the deed). "Yes." "Who lived here?" "My grandfather." "His grandfather happened fished and hunted here?" "Yes" "How far?" "Ah, there he was at the head of the river, there on that mountain." "It's all yours." And scriptures centennial lose value based on a law that does not exist. Not sure that this was not intended to create conflicts.

There are people arming themselves, we have been preparing for a war. We must open the eye also for this process, which leads to racial hatred. Normally leftists may wish to start a communist revolution with a race war.

Surely this will lead to conflict, but so far the movement maroon gave no sign of separatism.

Rural Conflict - perhaps the first to hatch

The MST moves like an army of occupation, mobilizing a mass of miserable (with many opportunistic), directed by a leader in the underground. The invasions of MST are tolerated and the law does not apply. Even aware of the claim of the MST to create a "free zone" a "republic of the MST" in the region of Pontal, the Government only uncompromising; pretend not to notice that the MST does not want to receive land or invade them and tends to perform actions increasingly audacious.

It is clear that farmers, despairing of getting justice will eventually react. Maybe this is the MST wants; social upheaval, counting, perhaps with the support of government sectors such as the Ministry of Agrarian Development. According to Peter Stédile: "The interior of Brazil can turn into a Colombia. A situation get out of hand, there will be social unrest and society will disintegrate."

This conflict seems inevitable. Probably occur in the next government, but if it becomes apparent defeat of the PT before the elections, it is likely that the MST unleash their operations even before the new ownership.

Environmentalism distorted main pretext for future foreign intervention

It is a consensus that environmentalism is being used to prevent progress, killing jobs even If impose schemes delusional environmentalists within the government, with restrictions on land use for food production, one-third of the territory of the country will be interdicted the modern economic activities.

There are reactions from large farmers in the countryside, in productive elites and even government sectors, but foreign pressure tend to intensify. Although rarely the environment served as a reason for war, now clearly being a pretext for future intervention, naturally covering up the real reason, the competition for scarce natural resources.

The moment hunger round the world, the environmental movement, the foreign service, but with government backing and support of an urban mass deluded, called "wasteland" those green square acreage, which enjoyed watching the Europe and the United States, and prevents the construction of dams to save catfish. With the entrance of Marina Silva in the electoral contest, there is, unfortunately, all candidates will defend environmentalism, without thinking whether it is useful for the country

The three steps of the civil war

Environmentalism, Indianism, maroon movement, the MST, MAB and other similar created such antagonism to the national society, it will take a lot of skill and endurance to prevent degenerate into bloody conflicts.
Various sources of conflict are to burst, depending on the radicalization of bad measures, particularly the Ministry of Justice:

- Roraima is not fully pacified;
- Mato Grosso do Sul announces revolt after the decision of Funai in there creating new indigenous reserves;
- Rio Grande, farmers intend to respond to the provocations of the MST;
- Santa Catarina threat to use PM to contain the raging environmentalist Minister Minc, who wanted to destroy the entire planting apple.

Once a conflict starts, it seems that expands like a wildfire. This framework, worrying in itself, is compounded by the near certainty that, in the current global crisis our country will suffer pressure to give up their natural resources - oil, minerals and even farmland - and being divided know what will happen, more even when one faction stands alongside opponents as already demonstrated in the case of the MST Itaipu.

Well, we still have armed forces, but according to the latest news, the Army (which is the most important internal defense) will have reduced its effective. Be purposeful?
May God keep you all.

The cel. Gelio Fregapani is a writer, worked in the intelligence service in the Amazon region, produced reports such as the GTAM, Working Group of the Amazon.

Source: Conservatism Brazil.

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