Friday, April 5, 2013

Irish suicide rate far worse than England’s: Shocking new figures highlight lack of Government investment

THE suicide rate per 100,000 people is seven times greater in Ireland than in England, shock figures have revealed.
There are 22 suicides per 100,000 males every year in Ireland and five suicides per 100,000 females,
according to figures recently released in a report from charity The Samaritans.
These figures compare to three male suicides per 100,000 every year in England and one female suicide per 100,000.
The Samaritans presents suicide rates in terms of per 100,000 people because the number of suicides for a particular country can give a “misleading picture” due to factors like the different populations of the
separate jurisdictions.
The figures emerged as politicians recently competed in a by-election for the Dail seat formerly occupied by the late Shane McEntee (56), who committed suicide shortly before last Christmas.
The “per 100,000 figure” in the North is also lower than the Republic of Ireland’s.
In the North, which has the UK’s highest suicide rate for males and females, the overall figure is 10 suicides per 100,000 for males and three suicides per 100,000 for females.

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