Friday, May 3, 2019

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

A Recap of Nancy Pelosi's Really Bad Week (video)

From having her vineyard taken over by a caravan of "illegals", to getting her overseas trip canceled by President Trump, it's safe to say that Nancy Pelosi is having a pretty bad week. The Speaker of the House may have finally realized that she's in for a rough two years.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trump orders US troops out of Syria

 President Donald Trump called Wednesday for a U.S. withdrawal from Syria over the apparent objections of military advisers and a bipartisan group of lawmakers. 

The withdrawal of the more than 2,000 troops is based on Trump’s decision that the mission against ISIS is complete, a U.S. official told USA TODAY.
Military leaders, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, in recent weeks and months have spoken of the need for U.S. troops to remain in the eastern part of the country to help stabilize it and allow for peace negotiations to proceed.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., derided Trump’s decision to withdraw, likening it to those made by former President Barack Obama to announce ahead of time plans to reduce forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Withdrawal of this small American force in Syria would be a huge Obama-like mistake,” Graham tweeted.